=============================== django-formwizard Documentation =============================== .. warning:: The 1.0+ releases are incompatible with all previous releases (<=0.6) of django-formwizard! If you want to use the old version, please install django-formwizard==0.6 (version 0.6 is the last version with the old api) django-formwizard is a reusable app to work with multi-page forms. Besides normal `Forms`, it supports `FormSets`, `ModelForms` and `ModelFormSets`. .. note:: This app was originally developed as an external library for Django but the code made it to Django itself. Beginning with release 1.4 of Django, the form-wizard will be available in Django directly (`django.contrib.formtools.wizard`). This code is a backport of the `django.contrib.formtools.wizard` code! Until the 1.4 release, django-formwizard will be maintained to let Django 1.3 users work with the new form-wizard. To install django-formwizard, simply run .. code-block:: console # pip install django-formwizard The source is available on `GitHub `_. If you are interested in contributing, just fork the repository on GitHub and commit your changes. Don't forget to send a pull request. Contents: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 gettingstarted Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`